Latest News
stay tuned for updates

April 2015
We are looking forward to the World Samoyed Meeting being held in Mooroolbark

September 2014
Phoenix takes out Res Dog & RUBOB Melbourne Royal Show

July 2014
We welcomed Babu & Lucas litter

April 2014
We welcomed Harry & Mia litter of 10 and a few days later Carlie & Apollo's litter of 7

September 2013
Harry takes out Puppy of Breed  over 20 puppies at the Melbourne Royal show

March 2013
Harry & Bella take to the ring with In Group & In Show wins to their credit

January 2013
- Nova can now be called  AUSTRALIAN CHAMPION Alaskamal Silvarose Ofkalaksa

December 2012
-Proud to  announce the arrival of our Iccy x Tahkoo litter

November 2012
- Proud to announce the arrival of our Babu x Phoenix litter

June 2012
- Babu Sunshinning arrived from Slovakia with the assistance  Yoshi & Us Kennels  in conjunction with
Xsara's Hope Kennels .
 Thank you Jana & Emily


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