Things to know - Questions Frequently Asked 

Choosing your Samoyed-
The first thing you have to do is learn the questions to ask and understand what the health documents actually look like and what the mean.
ACES Eye test , AVA Hip & Elbow xray and grading , Liver Function /Acid bile testing , DNA screening.

Aces Eye Test :
The Australian Canine Eye Scheme (ACES) has been devised to help breeders and prospective dog owners make informed decisions about inherited eye diseases when it comes to choosing pedigree lines from which to breed, or when purchasing a dog free from inherited diseases to buy as a pet.

It is a national assessment system for ANKC /Dogs Australia registered dog breeds, offering qualified certification for a range of congenital and inherited eye conditions.

Eye assessments carried out by registered veterinary eye specialists.  

Endorsed by the Australian National Kennel Council (ANKC) as a reliable screening service, valuable to dog breeders and new owners.

Current information relating to the Australian Canine Eye Scheme (ACES) can be viewed from the Officially Registered Canine Health Information Database (ORCHID) by selecting this link: where you can also check Hip & Elbow scores.

AVA Hip & Elbow Xray and Grading :  
Radiographs are taken of hte hips and elbows after 12 months of age and submitted to the AVA/ANKC Hip Dysplasia Scheme to be  'scored'. 
The hip score is the sum of the points accrued for each of nine radiographic features in each hip joint.
The lower the score the less the degree of  chance HD present.

We aim for the lowest score possible out of a breed average for the Samoyed is 12.10 and median of 9.00 based on the results of 304 dogs in 2022
Both Sire & Dam are tested and graded prior to mating.
Whilst this examination guides us to breeding the best possible dogs with the best possible results , there is also a environmental impact on a growing puppy that can impact the score.
For example over exercise as a puppy , over weight whilst growing , slippery floors all can have a negative impact on hips.

Liver function /Acid Bile testing:
Bile acids measurement is a highly sensitive assay to assess hepatobiliary function.
Bile acids are derived from cholesterol in the liver, released into the intestine after eating to aid in fat absorption, then enter the portal circulation to be cleared by the liver and re-excreted into bile.  Serum bile acids concentrations may be elevated in diseased states leading to decreased functional liver mass, with obstructive cholestasis, and with congenital or acquired portosystemic vascular shunts.  

Full Breed Profile testing 
Full Breed Profiles (FBPs), offering comprehensive genetic screening tailored to each breed's needs.
Panels select from over 260 scientifically validated tests for disease and trait predispositions, ensuring accuracy for your breed.
Each FBP includes a DNA Profile for verifying parentage, providing assurance in breeding decisions.
Simplifying genetic testing, makes breed-specific screening straightforward and focusing on enhancing breed health.

Copies all tests should be readily available to approved purchases of puppies from their selected breeders and can be verified of the Orchid Website where you can select the breed , kennel name and test for a complete list.

Samoyed Club of Victoria

The SAMOYED is one of the oldest breeds known to man being descended, without mixture, from the dog that accompanied the “Samoyede” tribesmen during their migrations in far north Europe.

Ahead of you are many years (12-15) of love, fun, affection and loyalty from what we consider the most beautiful dog in the world.  The Samoyed has a real need for human association and affection, having lived so closely with nomadic peoples over many centuries.  He herded the tribe’s reindeer, pulled their sleds, guarded their camps from wolves and bears and the pups were even used to keep their children warm in their reindeer skin tents.

He is a true companion, always willing to please and never showing any aggression to humans. He is patient beyond belief, especially with children, and is only truly happy when he is with you as part of the family.


This appealing little bundle of fluff is going to grow into a dog that will stand between 46 to 51 cm (for a female) 51 to 56 cm (for a male) at the shoulder, sometimes even bigger.

The Samoyed is an individual, a free thinker, independent and very intelligent.  He will need a lot of guidance and training during the formative months to mould his personality into the well-adjusted family member you require.

A Samoyed must be groomed regularly, needs exercise on a regular basis and has to feel part of the family.  He should be trained properly and also fed a good balanced diet.  A Samoyed loves to be beside you all the time

This gorgeous puppy may BARK, DIG, CHEW, WANDER, CHASE THE CAT, and DIRTY IN THE HOUSE.  He needs your time and patience.  If you don’t have sufficient of either of these, don’t buy a Samoyed.

His coat needs attention, he needs daily exercise, proper feeding, and he also needs mental stimulation (being played with and shown affection).  He needs an enclosed yard and a quiet warm place to sleep, but most of all he needs YOU.

Everything you put into a Samoyed he will repay one-hundred-fold.

Don’t have a Samoyed if you just want a dog to keep in the yard and look pretty!

A bored dog is a naughty dog.  Barking, digging, chewing and roaming are usually symptoms of boredom.

Once you feel confident in your choice, and the breed will suit your life-style, talk to as many owners and breeders as you can and ask lots of questions on the breed.  Perhaps spend time with owners of Samoyeds at dog shows or events run by the breed specialty club.  Read as many books as you can on the breed and get to know this lovely dog.

Be sure to buy your puppy from a reputable breeder.  The responsible breeder will be willing to provide ongoing support and advice and will be only too willing to answer all your questions no matter how foolish you may think they are.

General Care

The Samoyed is a medium sized dog with a thick white coat and a big, permanent smile that reflects the happy-go-lucky nature of the breed. Their gentle, even tempered nature makes them a delightful and devoted family pet. Beautiful, graceful and affectionate the Samoyed has been called the dog that carries the spirit of Christmas in its face and heart the whole year through.

Samoyed coats are usually white, although cream or biscuit colour is acceptable. As a general rule a dog will have a bigger coat than a bitch. Both have thick coats, with a soft undercoat and a harsher outer coat. A properly groomed Samoyed is stunning; with a magnificent coat displaying sparkling, silver tips, but don’t forget that a lot of time and effort has been put into the grooming of that beautiful dog.

The Samoyed coat requires regular grooming to keep it healthy and free of matts, parasites and loose hair. The Samoyed has a major shed (blow) at least once a year where the undercoat sheds in a spectacular way and requires many hours of work combing out. This shedding lasts approximately one month, with relatively no shedding during the rest of the year. The coat should be groomed regularly, at least once a week with a good comb through and once a fortnight paying particular attention to elbows, hocks and ears to ensure that the hair does not become matted at these points. In Siberia, where the breed originated, the combings from the hair was converted into human clothing. There are many people even now that use the Samoyeds hair for spinning into ‘wool’ and knitting jumpers.

Before bathing, a Samoyed must always be thoroughly groomed to remove any loose or dead hair. Bathing without combing first may make it very difficult to dry and groom the dog later. During the shedding season if the Samoyed has not been thoroughly groomed before bathing, the loose hair can turn into matts which are very hard to remove. Little bathing is required and there is none of the doggy odour often found amongst other dog breeds.

Do not clip a Samoyed coat in summer as the dog will cope very well if not better than many shorter coated breeds in the hot weather as the Samoyeds thick coat acts as insulation and the coat colour reflects the light. Think of a sheep in the middle of summer. But make sure that your dog always has plenty of cool water and somewhere shady to lie.

The Samoyed needs daily exercise and enjoys obedience training, but this can be a challenge. You must make the work fun and commands should be given with enthusiasm. You should be persistent and patient when training your Samoyed as the dog will become easily bored and distracted. Don’t forget their original environment demanded a very intelligent breed with an independent nature. This breed thinks for themselves and “if you keep throwing that ball away then you obviously don’t want it”. But after saying all that, there are many Samoyeds proudly holding their obedience certificates.


Alaskan Malamute- Is it the Right Dog for You – AMCA

Prospective Owners:

So, you think you want an Alaskan Malamute?


This is a very important decision that must be given serious consideration.

Alaskan Malamutes can be a gift from heaven, or your worst nightmare, depending upon how well matched your lifestyle and a Malamute’s are.

This article will give you some idea of how suited you are to this special breed.

This is designed to help you understand what you can expect from your Malamute and to determine whether this really is the breed for you.

Things to Consider First:

Alaskan Malamutes were originally bred to haul heavy sleds across long distances in harsh winter conditions.

This necessitated a dog that had tremendous strength, energy, endurance, independence and intelligence.

These traits still define Alaskan Malamutes.

A first time Mal owner soon learns what this really means.

These dogs have extremely high energy levels which require release in appropriate ways. They need to run, play, and bounce around a lot. Without continuous physical and mental stimulation, they become bored and restless.

This will certainly result in destructive activities of the dog’s choosing, not yours.

Alaskan Malamutes can be quite boisterous and even rowdy, especially during their growing years.

They will try to challenge the family for the top or “alpha” role.

With a large dog (they grow to 30kg- 40kg and up) this cannot be allowed to happen.

The family must learn how to properly deal with this for every one’s sake.

Please remember, the traits that made this breed so well suited to its original role in the Arctic may or may not make it suitable for your home.

Again, please give careful consideration to all the points discussed here!!!

Things you need to consider -

Are you going to be able to provide a permanent home for the Malamute?

Are you financially able to support a large dog? Take into account feeding, worming, registering, vet bills etc.

Do you have time to exercise a Malamute every day?

Are you fit enough to cope with a large, strong dog and will you be able to walk it?

Are you confident with large dogs? The Malamute needs a firm owner they can respect.

If you have another dog, are the two going to get along? Is it desexed ?

Are you willing to always walk your dog on lead?

Are you prepared to put up with a dog that may do some extensive “garden remodeling”?

A link worth watching , it is very general information although still worth the time.


By Tonya Syme – Chimo Malamutes

A Pet

This one’s easy.

All you need to do is provide lots of love and affection, Obedience training and it will be returned in kind.

An Obedience Dog

Anyone can do obedience.

Your dog does not have to be registered or even a pedigree.

Take a look around some of the local Obedience Clubs to find one you feel happy with.

Different clubs can have very different training techniques and attitudes towards dog behaviour.

Make sure you know the clubs policy towards things like disciplining your dog and dog aggression.

Don’t let anyone tell you that you can’t get a CD (Companion Dog) with a Malamute.

Many people around the world have done this and much more.

The trick is to start early. The earlier you start your training the further your Malamute will go.

A Show Dog

In order to show your dog you must have his/her Full Registration papers.

There will be a extra cost when purchasing the fully registered papers.

You will need to do is join your states Canine Council. The Canine Council will send you a monthly magazine, which includes listing of upcoming shows.

A Sled Dog

The Alaskan Malamute club in your state should be able to help you re training for Dog Sledding. The club will be able to help you with purchasing the specialized equipment required for sledding.

A Guard Dog

Give up now. Malamutes do not have the right temperament to make a good guard dog. While most burglars would find their size intimidating, a Malamute is likely to do no more than try and beat him to death with his tail.


A Lesson in Becoming Alpha

by Vicki DeGruy

“My dog just tried to bite me!

All I did was tell him to move over so I could sit on the couch next to him.”

“My dog got into the trash can and when I scolded her, she growled at me.

What’s wrong with her?

I thought she loved me!”

“Our dog is very affectionate most of the time but when we try to make him do something he doesn’t want to do, he snaps at us.”

What do these three dogs have in common?

Are they nasty or downright vicious?

No – they’re “alpha”.

They’ve taken over the leadership of the families that love them. Instead of taking orders from their people, these dogs are giving orders! Your dog can love you very much and still try to dominate you or other members of your family.

Dogs are social creatures and believers in social order. A dog’s social system is a “pack” with a well-defined pecking order. The leader of the pack is the alpha, supreme boss, Top Dog. He (or she) gets the best of everything – the best food, the best place to sleep, the best toy, etc. The leader also gets to be first in everything – he gets to eat first, to leave first and to get attention first. All the other dogs in the pack respect the alpha dog’s wishes. Any dog that challenges the alpha’s authority gets a swift physical reminder of just where his place in the pack really is.

Your family is your dog’s “pack”. Many dogs fit easily into the lower levels of their human pack’s pecking order and don’t make waves. They do what they’re told and don’t challenge authority. Other dogs don’t fit in quite as well. Some of them are natural born leaders and are always challenging their human alpha’s. Other dogs are social climbers – they’re always looking for ways to get a little closer to the top of the family ladder. These natural leaders and the social climbers can become problems to an unsuspecting family that’s not aware of the dog’s natural pack instincts.

Some families encourage their dogs to take over the “pack” without realizing it. They treat their dogs as equals, not as subordinates. They give them special privileges like being allowed to sleep on the bed or couch. They don’t train their dogs and let them get away with disobeying commands. In a real dog pack, no one but the alpha dog would get this kind of treatment. Alpha doesn’t have anything to do with size. The tiniest Chihuahua can be a canine Hitler. In fact, the smaller the dog, the more people tend to baby them and cater to them – making the dog feel even more dominant and in control of his humans.

Alpha dogs often seem to make good pets. They’re confident, smarter than average, and affectionate. They can be wonderful with children and good with strangers. Everything seems to be great with the relationship – until someone crosses him or makes him do something he doesn’t want to do. Then, suddenly, this wonderful dog growls or tries to bite someone and no one understands why.

In a real dog pack, the alpha dog doesn’t have to answer to anyone. No one gives him orders or tells him what to do. The other dogs in the pack respect his position. If another dog is foolish enough to challenge the alpha by trying to take his bone or his favorite sleeping place, the alpha dog will quickly put him in his place with a hard stare or a growl. If this doesn’t work, the alpha dog will enforce his leadership with his teeth. This is all natural, instinctive behavior – in a dog’s world. In a human family, though, this behavior is unacceptable and dangerous.

Dogs need and want leaders. They have an instinctive need to fit into a pack. They want the security of knowing their place and what’s expected of them. Most of them don’t want to be alpha – they want someone else to give the orders and make the decisions. If his humans don’t provide that leadership, the dog will take over the role himself. If you’ve allowed your dog to become alpha, you’re at his mercy and as a leader, he may be either a benevolent king or a tyrant!

If you think your dog is alpha in your household, he probably is. If your dog respects only one or two members of the family but dominates the others, you still have a problem. The dog’s place should be at the -bottom- of your human family’s pack order, not at the top or somewhere in between.

In order to reclaim your family’s rightful place as leaders of the pack, your dog needs some lessons in how to be a subordinate, not an equal. You’re going to show him what it means to be a dog again. Your dog’s mother showed him very early in life that -she- was alpha and that he had to respect her. As a puppy, he was given a secure place in his litter’s pack and because of that security, he was free to concentrate on growing, learning, playing, loving and just being a dog. Your dog doesn’t really want the responsibility of being alpha, having to make the decisions and defend his position at the top. He wants a leader to follow and worship so he can have the freedom of just being a dog again.

How to become leader of your pack:

Your dog watches you constantly and reads your body language. He knows if you’re insecure, uncomfortable in a leadership role or won’t enforce a command. This behavior confuses him, makes -him- insecure and if he’s a natural leader or has a social-climbing personality, it’ll encourage him to assume the alpha position and tell -you- what to do.

“Alpha” is an attitude.

It involves quiet confidence, dignity, intelligence, an air of authority. A dog can sense this attitude almost immediately – it’s how his mother acted towards him. Watch a professional trainer or a good obedience instructor. They stand tall and use their voices and eyes to project the idea that they’re capable of getting what they want. They’re gentle but firm, loving but tough, all at the same time. Most dogs are immediately submissive towards this type of personality because they recognize and respect alpha when they see it.

Practice being alpha.

Stand up straight with your shoulders back. Walk tall. Practice using a new tone of voice, one that’s deep and firm. Don’t ask your dog to do something – tell him. There’s a difference. He knows the difference, too! Remember that, as alpha, you’re entitled to make the rules and give the orders. Your dog understands that instinctively.

With most dogs, just this change in your attitude and an obedience training course will be enough to turn things around. With a dog that’s already taken over the household and has enforced his position by growling or biting and has been allowed to get away with it, you’ll need to do more than just decide to be alpha. The dog is going to need an attitude adjustment as well.

Natural leaders and social climbers aren’t going to want to give up their alpha position. Your sudden change in behavior is going to shock and threaten them. Your dog might act even more aggressively than before. An alpha dog will instinctively respond to challenges to his authority. It’s his nature to want to put down revolutionary uprisings by the peasants! Don’t worry, there’s a way around it.

An alpha dog already knows that he can beat you in a physical fight so returning his aggression with violence of your own won’t work. Until you’ve successfully established your position as alpha, corrections like hitting, shaking, or using the “roll over” techniques described in some books will not work and can be downright dangerous to you. An alpha dog will respond to these methods with violence and you could be seriously hurt.

What you need to do is use your -brain- ! You’re smarter than he is and you can out think him. You’ll also need to be more stubborn than he is. What I’m about to describe here is an effective, non-violent method of removing your dog from alpha status and putting him back at the bottom of the family totem pole where he belongs and where he needs to be. In order for this method to work, your whole family has to be involved. It requires an attitude adjustment from everyone and a new way of working with your dog.

This is serious business.

A dog that bites or threatens people is a -dangerous- dog, no matter how much you love him. If treating your dog like a dog and not an equal seems harsh to you, keep in mind that our society no longer tolerates dangerous dogs. Lawsuits from dog bites are now settling for millions of dollars – you could lose your home and everything else you own if your dog injures someone. You or your children could be permanently disfigured. And your dog could lose his life. That’s the bottom line.

Canine Boot Camp for Alpha Attitude Adjustment

From this day forward, you’re going to teach your dog that he is a -dog-, not a miniature human being in a furry suit. His mother taught him how to be a dog once and how to take orders. Along the way, through lack of training or misunderstood intentions, he’s forgotten. With your help, he’s going to remember what he is and how he fits into the world. Before long, he’s even going to like it!

Dogs were bred to look to humans for food, companionship and guidance. An alpha dog doesn’t ask for what he wants, he demands it. He lets you know in no uncertain terms that he wants his dinner, that he wants to go out, that he wants to play and be petted and that he wants these things -right now-. You’re going to teach him that from now on, he has to -earn- what he gets. No more free rides. This is going to be a shock to his system at first but you’ll be surprised how quickly he’ll catch on and that he’ll actually become eager to please you.

If your dog doesn’t already know the simple command SIT, teach it to him. Reward him with praise and a tidbit. Don’t go overboard with the praise. A simple “Good boy!” in a happy voice is enough. Now, every time your dog wants something – his dinner, a trip outside, a walk, some attention, anything – tell him (remember don’t ask him, -tell- him) to SIT first. When he does, praise him with a “Good Boy!”, then tell him OKAY and give him whatever it is he wants as a reward. If he refuses to SIT, walk away and ignore him. No SIT, no reward. If you don’t think he understands the command, work on his training some more. If he just doesn’t want to obey, ignore him – DON’T give him what he wants or reward him in any fashion.

Make him sit before giving him his dinner, make him sit at the door before going outside, make him sit in front of you to be petted, make him sit before giving him his toy. If you normally leave food out for him all the time, stop. Go to a twice daily feeding and -you- decide what time of day he’ll be fed. Make him sit for his dinner. If he won’t obey the command – no dinner. Walk away and ignore him. Bring the food out later and tell him again to SIT. If he understands the command, don’t tell him more than once. He heard you the first time. Give commands from a standing position and use a deep, firm tone of voice.

If the dog respects certain members of the family but not others, let the others be the ones to feed him and bring the good things to his life for now. Show them how to make him obey the SIT command and how to walk away and ignore him if he won’t do as he’s told. It’s important that your whole family follows this program. Dogs are like kids – if they can’t have their way with Mom, they’ll go ask Dad. In your dog’s case, if he finds a member of the family that he can dominate, he’ll continue to do so. You want your dog to learn that he has to respect and obey everyone. Remember – his place is at the bottom of the totem pole. Bouncing him from the top spot helps but if he thinks he’s anywhere in the middle, you’re still going to have problems.

Think – you know your dog and know what he’s likely to do under most circumstances. Stay a step ahead of him and anticipate his behavior so you can avoid or correct it. If he gets into the trash and growls when scolded, make the trash can inaccessible. If he likes to bolt out the door ahead of you, put a leash on him. Make him sit and wait while you open the door and give him permission – OKAY! – to go out. If your alpha dog doesn’t like to come when he’s called (and he probably doesn’t!), don’t let him outside off leash. Without a leash, you have no control over him and he knows it.

Petting and attention:

Alpha dogs are used to being fussed over. In a real dog pack, subordinate dogs are forever touching, licking and grooming the alpha dog. It’s a show of respect and submission. For now, until his attitude has shown improvement, cut down on the amount of cuddling your dog gets. When he wants attention, make him SIT first, give him a few kind words and pats, then stop. Go back to whatever it was you were doing and ignore him. If he pesters you, tell him NO! in a firm voice and ignore him some more. Pet him when -you- want to, not because -he- wants you to. For the time being, don’t get down on the floor or on your knees to pet your dog. That, too, is a show of submission. Give praise, petting and rewards from a position that’s higher than the dog.


If you or anyone in your family wrestles, rough-houses or plays tug of war with your dog, stop! These games encourage dogs to dominate people physically and to use their teeth. In a dog pack or in a litter, these games are more than just playing – they help to establish pack order based on physical strength. Your dog is already probably stronger and quicker than you are. Rough, physical games prove that to him. He doesn’t need to be reminded of it!

Find new games for him to play.

Hide & seek, fetch or frizbee catching are more appropriate. Make sure you’re the one who starts and ends the game, not the dog. Stop playing before the dog gets bored and is inclined to try to keep the ball or frisbee.

Where does your dog sleep?

Not in your bedroom and especially NOT on your bed!

Your bedroom is a special place – it’s your “den”. An alpha dog thinks he has a right to sleep in your den because he considers himself your equal. In fact, he may have already taken over your bed, refusing to get off when told or growling and snapping when anyone asks him to make room for the humans. Until your dog’s alpha problems are fully under control, the bedroom should be off-limits! The same goes for sleeping on furniture. If you can’t keep him off the couch without a fight, deny him access to the room until his behavior and training has improved.


Dog crates have 1,000 uses and working with an alpha dog is one of them. It’s a great place for your dog to sleep at night, to eat in and just to stay in when he needs to chill out and be reminded that he’s a dog. The crate is your dog’s “den”. Start crate training by feeding him his dinner in his crate. Close the door and let him stay there for an hour afterwards. If he throws a tantrum, ignore him. Don’t let your dog out of his crate until he’s quiet and settled. At bedtime, show him an irresistible goodie, tell him to SIT and when he does, throw the goodie into the crate. When he dives in for the treat, tell him what a good boy he is and close the door.

Graduating from Boot Camp: What’s next?

Just like in the army, boot camp is really just an introduction to a new career and new way of doing things. A tour through boot camp isn’t going to solve your alpha dog’s problems forever. It’s a way to get basic respect from a dog who’s been bullying you without having to resort to physical force.

How long should boot camp last?

That depends on the dog. Some will show an improvement right away, others may take much longer. For really tough cookies, natural leaders that need constant reminders of their place in the pack, Alpha Dog Boot Camp will become a way of life. Social climbers may need periodic trips through boot camp if you get lax and accidentally let them climb back up a notch or two in the family pack order.

How do you know if you’re making a difference?

If boot camp has been successful, your dog should start looking to you for directions and permission. He’ll show an eagerness to please. Watch how your dog approaches and greets you. Does he come to you “standing tall”, with his head and ears held high and erect? It may look impressive and proud but it means he’s still alpha and you still have problems! A dog who accepts humans as superiors will approach you with his head slightly lowered and his ears back or off to the sides. He’ll “shrink” his whole body a little in a show of submission. Watch how he greets all the members of the family. If he displays this submissive posture to some of them, but not others, those are the ones who still need to work on their own alpha posture and methods. They should take him back through another tour of boot camp with support from the rest of the family.

Obedience Training:

Once your dog has begun to accept this new way of life and his new position in the family, you should take him through an obedience course with a qualified trainer. All dogs need to be trained and alpha dogs need training most of all! You don’t have to wait until he’s through with boot camp to start this training but it’s important that he respects at least one member of the family and is willing to take direction from them.

Obedience class teaches -you- to train your dog. It teaches you how to be alpha, how to enforce commands and rules, how to get respect and to keep it. All family members who are old enough to understand and control the dog should participate in the class. Obedience training is a lifelong process. One obedience course does not a trained dog make! Obedience commands need to be practiced and incorporated into your daily life. In a dog pack, the alpha animal uses occasional reminders to reinforce his authority. Certain commands, like DOWN/STAY, are especially effective, nonviolent reminders of a dog’s place in the family pack order and who’s really in charge here.

A well-trained obedient dog is a happy dog and a joy to live with. Dogs want to please and need a job to do. Training gives them the opportunity to do both. A well-trained dog has more freedom. He can go more places and do more things with you because he knows how to behave. A well-trained dog that’s secure in his place within the family pack is comfortable and confident. He knows what’s expected of him. He knows his limits and who his leaders are. He’s free from the responsibility of running the household and making decisions. He’s free to be our loving companion and not your boss.

He’s free to be a dog – what he was born to be and what he always wanted to be in the first place.

A piece of Alaskan Malamute History

Named for an Inuit tribe known as the Mahlemuts, the Alaskan Malamute has been employed by the people of the Arctic since time immemorial. These large and powerful dogs aided their human counterparts in bringing down and hauling the carcasses of large game such as seals, caribou and even polar bears. For their contribution to the tribe, these dogs were treated with great veneration by the Mahlemut people.

Europeans who began to explore the Arctic during the 18th century were drawn to this tough, hard-working dog. With the advent of the gold rush in Alaska during the late 19th century, the demand for the Alaskan Malamute – with its ability to pull people and equipment across the great, snowy landscape of Alaska – skyrocketed. The desire to not only mass produce the breed but also to make it faster and stronger led to a flurry of irresponsible breeding during his time, and by the 1920s the pure Malamute was nearly lost. Thankfully, North American breeders realized their mistake before it was too late and began efforts to reverse the damage. By the 1930s, the Alaskan Malamute had proved its worth many times over in Arctic and Antarctic missions; most notably, the breed was chosen to pull the sleds of Admiral Richard Byrd on his 1933 expedition to the South Pole. Though never intended to be a fast breed, the Alaskan Malamute also became a popular dog sled racer during this time. The Alaskan Malamute was recognized by the American Kennel Club in 1935 as part of the Working Group.

Recent DNA evidence has shown that the Alaskan Malamute’s wolf-like appearance is no mistake. The Malamute is one of fourteen “ancient” breeds whose DNA is more similar to the DNA of wolves than that of other breeds.

Malamute history from the origins ,to the gold rush to the Serum Run and the race to Nome

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